Last year I took on some ‘guinea pig’ clients for my Divine Blogging service. The idea was really simple – they get a great discount, I get to reveal I’m the ghost in their writing machine and share their results.

It was a good arrangement for everyone, but I’m particularly grateful as it is really tough when you’re a ghostwriter finding clients who are willing to let you talk about working with them. Even if they’re happy to give you a testimonial under their real name, they prefer you not link directly to the content you’ve written for them because it effectively ‘outs’ them.

And I totally understand this – confidentiality is a huge part of my job.

Still, sharing case studies and success stories is super-important to your content marketing, and something I encourage all my clients to do as often as possible, so I’m always looking for ways to do it myself, and this proved to be the perfect solution.

This is the first post I’ve shared about my lovely guinea pigs but there will be more to come. A question I get asked a lot is how to write the perfect content for your tribe, so for this first story I want to share a bit about how I create a distinct brand voice for each of my clients, even when (at face value) they seem to have very similar content.

I ended up writing an article on branding for two of my guinea pig clients, both of whom work with entrepreneurs and small business owners but have very different ideal clients.

Robyn Kyberd is a digital marketing guru extraordinaire at Optimise And Grow Online, and works with #TechGeeks and entrepreneurs looking to improve their conversions and technical expertise so they can build super powerful businesses.

Kerry Brind is the founder of Wellth Creative and owner of Me Me Me Means Business, both meccas for #Wellpreneurs with health and wellness businesses, who are looking to create super powerful businesses that really care for their clients.

I wanted to share a little about how I wrote each of their posts on branding so they appealed to their respective ideal clients.

If you’re unfamiliar with my Divine Blogging method, the core of it is the construction of an in-depth psychological archetypal profile, which is then used to construct a content marketing schedule that delivers content on exactly the right topics, in exactly the right quantities and frequencies. There’s a big practical element to is also, which teaches you exactly how to do that, but the part people often struggle to grasp is why the archetypes are so important and how they can empower your business.

The answer is simple: they ensure you’re writing for your tribe, and attracting exactly the write type of people.

How Your Ideal Client’s Archetypal Profile Affects Your Content

Your ideal client’s archetypal profile is constructed from twelve archetypes, one primary, three secondary, and eight tertiary ‘characters’, all of whom are represented by a god and goddess avatar to make it easier to understand them (hence ‘Divine’ Blogging…I know, I’m a genius 😉)

When I create a content schedule I assign an archetype to each post, and they rotate in a specific order, with priority given to the primary archetype (who gets a full third of posts). The remaining posts are split equally between secondary and tertiary archetypes, however there are over twice as many tertiary archetypes as there are secondary.

If that’s confusing you, here’s how it shakes out in reality:

#Wellpreneur Vs. #TechGeek: How To Write The Perfect Content For Your Tribe - The Divine Blogging Design Post Archetype Order

Each week in your schedule the topic and tone of your blog post is dictated by the archetype for that week. It takes roughly six months to cycle through all the archetypes and leave you with at least one post written to appeal to every facet of your ideal client’s psychological makeup.

As my guinea pig clients are put on a ‘mini schedule’ for three months initially, rather than the full six months my regular clients receive, I only use two of their secondary archetypes, not all three.

Here’s how Robyn and Kerry’s ideal client archetype profiles shake out:

Optimise And Grow Online

Me Me Me Means Business

As you can see, both Kerry and Robyn share a primary archetype, The Sage.

I’ll be honest, 90% of my clients have The Sage as their primary archetype. Our ideal clients frequently reflect ourselves, or a previous version of ourselves. Since my ideal client’s primary archetype is the Sage, it’s really not surprising that so many of their ideal client profiles feature the Sage as the main archetypes (or at least one of the secondary archetypes).

If my only criteria for assessing exactly how to write for Robyn and Kerry’s ideal clients came down to nothing but the primary motivation of their audience, their schedules and posts would be very similar. Not only would I end up with a lot more crossover topics, but the tone and voice I used for each of them would be much more similar.

As it is, they’re very different, because while their ideal clients are very similar in terms of being entrepreneurs looking for help growing a successful business. You have a product or service that solves a problem they have, and often your entire ideal client profile and the way you write for your ideal client will turn on this problem.

You focus on your ideal clients’ pain point(s), and this is very good, you absolutely need to do that. There is, however, a but….

People Are Very Complex Creatures

There is a lot more to people than the things that directly movitave them to buy from you, and the depth of those motivations is much greater than you think. The primary archetype covers the core motivation, while the secondary archetypes cover the hidden depths of that motivation, and the tertiary archetypes cover everything else that makes them a well-rounded human being.

The reason so many entrepreneurs struggle to create content that it truly effective at drawing in their ideal client and building a tribe, is that they forget how complex people actually are.

On one level, writing for your ideal client is simple: talk about stuff they care about in language they understand and relate to.

That really is all there is to it.

But on a much deeper level, there’s so much more to it:

  • How are you supposed to really understand the things they care about?
  • How are you to relate those things to your specific business and the offers you have?
  • What is the language they’re speaking, and how can you emulate it?
  • How can you make yourself and your content relatable?
  • How can you provide them with actionable, takeaway value and genuinely make their lives better through your free content, so they come back eager to pay you for more?
  • And how do you all that while remaining authentic and true to yourself, and earning a decent amount of money?

Understanding all that complexity and developing a content schedule that not only meets your business goals and needs, but provides real, tangible, genuine value to your ideal clients as whole people, is tricky.

It’s also exactly why I developed The Divine Blogging Design and, once it proved very successful for my clients, wrote a book to help other people do it for themselves.

It is the complexity of your ideal client that will really help you connect with them. Exploring that complexity is the key to writing the perfect content for them, which will draw them to your business, and naturally form a tribe around you.

Business owners who cater to entrepreneurs often have posts with very similar topics. Both Robyn and Kerry have posts in their schedule on branding, but it doesn’t end there, they also both have posts on blogging, content marketing, email marketing, social media, client care, and several other areas that are the same for both of them, but simultaneous very different, because while their ideal clients are superficially similar, on a deeper level they are nothing alike.

How To Write The Perfect Content For Your Tribe

Now we’re clear on that, let’s dig into exactly how Divine Blogging can help you craft content that is absolutely perfect for your very specific tribe and the ideal clients you want to attract.

As I mentioned, both Robyn and Kerry have posts about branding in their content schedule. Both were written by me, and yet both are very different, because they’re aimed at completely different ideal clients, with different wants, needs, and specific problems to solve.

You might think, “Branding…well sure, every business owner needs a brand, it doesn’t matter what kind of business you run!” and you’re half right.

Branding is super important for all entrepreneurs, but the specific type of entrepreneur you are, and the area of business you’re working in makes a huge difference to what you care about most in terms of branding, and the kind of brand you need to craft.

It affects everything from the questions you have about branding, to the most important aspects of your brand, to the way you go about building your brand, to the manner in which you need branding explained to you, the visual elements involved and what your brand looks, feels, and sounds like.

Kerry and Robyn have very different ideal clients, as Kerry’s are all about health, wellness, and literally nurturing their clients, while Robyn’s are all about creating technically effective businesses that are very practical and problem-solving.

One is about external concerns in the physical world, the other is about internal concerns in the world of health and wellness.

So how exactly did I create two posts on exactly the same topic that are completely different and perfectly tailored to the ideal clients of their respective businesses?

Let’s’ start with the titles…

Optimise And Grow Online: 5 Ways To Ensure You Have A Consistent Online Brand

Wellth Creative: How To Craft A Deep And Meaningful Brand

Right away you can see that Robyn’s post is very practical, and geared towards the digital world more than metaphysical internal concerns. Kerry’s post meanwhile is all about meaning, with the focus on a ‘feel good’ brand rather than a ‘functional brand’.

This doesn’t mean one deals with practicalities at the expense of emotions and meaning, or vice versa. Both posts look at the practical aspects of branding and creating consistency as well as creating a meaningful brand and how branding makes people feel, but the language used in Robyn’s really focuses on the former, while the language used in Kerry’s places the focus firmly on the latter.

How The Archetypes Affect The Writing

Robyn’s primary archetype is the Sage, while her secondary archetypes are the Rebel and the Creator. At a simple level this means her ideal clients are concerned with creating a business that works as well as possible, that is technically efficient, effective, and profitable.

Kerry’s primary archetype is also the Sage, however her secondary archetypes are the Nurturer and Mystic. This means (again, simply put), that her ideal clients are concerned with creating a business that cares for and nurtures its clients, that helps them on an emotional, spiritual, and practical level, and embraces methods that are not only technical but also some that are a lot more ‘woo woo’.

Both articles include sections defining branding and exploring the importance of branding. Comparing these sections will give you a really good idea of how you can use the specifics of your ideal client’s wants, needs and motives (the facets found in their secondary archetypes) to create seriously tailored content:

Robyn’s Definition:

#Wellpreneur Vs. #TechGeek How To Write The Perfect Content For Your Tribe

Kerry’s Definition:

#Wellpreneur Vs. #TechGeek How To Write The Perfect Content For Your Tribe (2)

These sections essentially contain the same information, but the language used, the tone, and the focus are completely different. Even the subheadings used strike a different note. Look at the next section in each post and you can see this continues:

Robyn’s Explanation:

#Wellpreneur Vs. #TechGeek How To Write The Perfect Content For Your Tribe

Kerry’s Explanation:

#Wellpreneur Vs. #TechGeek How To Write The Perfect Content For Your Tribe

Again, basically the same information and points, but coming from two completely different perspectives!

This continues throughout each piece. Both articles look at the use of your Ideal Client, both look at the importance of reflecting your brand values and ethos, and being authentic. They both look at visual branding and exactly how to deal with the colours, fonts, logos and graphic templates that go into a brand, and they both emphasise the importance of consistency.

They also both come with a content upgrade. For Robyn, I created a detailed workbook that would help her ideal clients nail down every aspect of their brand, and ensure it was technically perfect. For Kerry, I created a very different but equally detailed workbook that would help her ideal clients pin down what their brand stands for, what it means, and how they can bring that meaning to their ideal clients.

They both have practical elements and questions of meaning in them, but the balance between the two is very different.

So, How Can I Do This For My Business?

I generally get three responses to Divine Blogging. All are totally understandable, and before you go any further you might want to check your own reaction and make sure you’re in the right place. Because Divine Blogging isn’t for everyone, as evidenced by these reactions:

“Holy crap! I don’t have time for this shit! Blogging isn’t this complicated!”

You’re right, it’s not!

Blogging isn’t complicated at all. Anyone can blog, in any way they choose. String a few words together and whack it online and you have a blog.

Effective blogging is a little more complex, but still relatively simple.

Content Marketing, on the other hand, is complicated, and truly effective, powerful, business-revolutionising content marketing is the most complicated of all.

Divine Blogging is a content marketing revolution, not a blogging strategy!

If you’re looking for simple blogging tips and tricks I have a whole section of my own blog dedicated to that, plus some awesome FREE blogging resources you should check out. And don’t worry, content content marketing isn’t for everyone, whether or not you need a complex plan devised around your ideal client’s archetypal profile will largely depend on your business goals an what kind of blogging strategy is going to best meet them. 

There are a couple of other reactions you may have, however, that require a bit of a different action plan…

“Mother of Dragons! This is amazing, how can I do this in my biz?”

You’re quite right, this shit is amazing and you can totally do it in your business! I’ve written a whole book dedicated to teaching you the intricate ways of applying Divine Blogging to your own content. Download your FREE CHAPTER now, and get started!

And finally, you may well be thinking…

“That’s totally epic, and totally not my zone of genius. I don’t have time for all that!”

I’m not going to lie, Divine Blogging is a time consuming, intense process. It takes a lot of thought, effort, and different components coming together.

There are a lot of ways to streamline the process if you’re doing it yourself, but if you’re sat there thinking, “I want this! I just don’t want to have to do it!” then fear not: I’m here to do it for you. Check out all the details of The Divine Blogging Design, my Done For You Content Marketing Strategy, book a Free Discovery Call now, and let’s chat about how we can bring a little content marketing revolution to your business….