Brand Story Writer


A powerful, SEO-driven brand story that captivates, connects, and converts. My Brand Story Writer package includes a full narrative, brand archetype profile, social media snippets, and About Page copy—crafted to deliver consistent messaging that attracts your ideal clients and drives results. Stop agonising over what to say—let a pro with over a decade of experience penning marketing copy and telling corporate stories handle it for you.



You’ve got a brilliant business, but for some reason your perfect audience isn’t showing up. The right people struggle to find you. You’re always attracting leads that don’t quite fit. And when you do connect with your ideal clients, they aren’t saying yes nearly as often as you’d like. Two things cause this: a disconnect between your message and your target audience—you aren’t speaking to them, so they’re not finding you, and they don’t respond well when you do!—and a weak narrative. My Brand Story Writer package is designed to fix both these issues for you, in the easiest, most stress-free way possible.

You’re not painting a picture. You’re not telling a story they can buy into. The result? They’re not buying.

If your brand story doesn’t attract the right people, stop them in their tracks, and make them want what you’re offering, it’s not doing its job.

But crafting that narrative is tough. You need to dig deeper into what makes your ideal client tick than you ever have before. I’m talking way beyond identifying their age, gender, and other generic info. You need to know how they think, what they care about, what they fear, and how they relate to the world. Then, you need to explain who you are, what you do, and why you’re the one to fix the very specific need they have.

Your brand story should be more than a blurb on your about page. And that’s where I come in. Together, we’ll uncover the heart and soul of your brand, weaving a story that doesn’t just sound good—it sells.

This is a full, strategic story designed to power every piece of marketing you create.

What’s Included In The Brand Story Package:

  • Brand Archetype Profile
    Think of this as your brand’s personality blueprint. I’ll build a detailed psychological profile of your ideal clients, based on archetypes and my own unique Divine Blogging system. I’ll then use this to figure out the personality your brand needs to become your ideal clients’ new bestie. This profile lays the foundation for your messaging, ensuring every piece of content speaks your brand’s truth and connects with your ideal audience on a deeper level.
  • Full Brand Story
    This is your brand’s ultimate narrative—a rich, detailed story that can be infused into every corner of your marketing. It’s not something you post and forget. It’s a reference guide you can dip into for blogs, emails, social posts, and more. Every time you use it, you’ll be strengthening your brand message. You can use it in full where needed, but you can also cherry pick key points and details and pepper them throughout the rest of your marketing where relevant. Doing this creates a solid, consistent voice for your brand, and strengthens marketing efforts across the board.
  • Social Media Snippets
    While your full story is important, you also need to be able to convey your brand’s narrative in snappy, bite-sized snippets when needed. Think about your social media bios, where you have a few precious words or limited characters to convey everything about your brand. Once we’ve got your full story pinned down, I’ll craft several brief snippets of varying lengths, so you always have the perfect, on-brand bio to add to your profiles, send out with your PR, or add to your marketing materials.
  • About Page Copy
    Your About Page deserves more than a dull company overview. It also probably doesn’t need to be bogged down with every detail we’ve created for your brand’s story. Instead, I’ll create story-driven copy for your page that conveys your brand’s values and mission while making readers think, “This is exactly who I’ve been looking for.” It’ll be concise, compelling, and optimised to convert.
  • Keyword Research and SEO
    Never underestimate the organic pulling power of SEO. Even when you’re crafting your brand story. As a brand story writer, I’m always striving to craft the perfect narrative, but I also know that perfection needs to account for search engine optimisation. After all, if nobody finds your story, they’re never going to read it. Your story will naturally include high traffic, high intent keywords designed to attract exactly the right people.

Why Invest In A Brand Story Writer?

Because stories sell—simple as that. A killer brand story helps your business stand out, creates instant emotional connection, and works across multiple platforms to engage clients and drive sales. With the right narrative, your marketing will work harder, smarter, and faster than ever before. A great brand story writer can capture the essence of your business and align your tale with your marketing needs, in a way you’ll never achieve on your own. You have your own zone of genius, and unless that happens to be writing, getting your story right is going to be tough.

Remember, it’s not just about telling people who you are; it’s doing it in a way that makes you money while fully aligning with your goals, values, and ethos. It’s also strategy. Your brand story will appear across your website, social media platforms, and multiple other sites if you do any kind of PR or outreach. You need to make the most of that digital impact by using the keywords your ideal clients are actively searching for at the point of being ready to make a purchase decision. And you need to speak in a language they recognise and relate to easily.

Even if you are a writer, it doesn’t mean you’ll be able to write an effective brand story. Seriously, one of my clients writes books and still hired me to write all her website copy and craft her story (not to mention design and build her site). Why? Because a brand story writer has a very specific, niche skillset.

Hiring a brand story writer will save you the headache of figuring out what to say, how to say it, and how to ensure it converts.

Your business deserves a story worth telling. Let’s create one.


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