Project Description

I work as a freelance copywriter for space analytics experts, Density, and I have to say they have one of the coolest services I’ve come across. Working with businesses to analyse and optimise the way they use the physical space in their offices, this is one client that’s just a joy to write for. Why? Because their content strategy hinges on 100% value. There’s no 80/20 rule going on here, they don’t want calls to action dotted throughout their content. They have no interest in me writing content that explains their services or what they do. Instead, they want purely value-driven content that discusses topical issues that business owners will find interesting and helpful.

This has ranged from topics including how big tech companies are planning to return to work post-pandemic, to the rise of hybrid working teams and the best ways of optimising this working model and everything in between. I’ve interviewed some seriously cool pros, and got to write about Hygge in the workplace.

It’s So Cool Being A Freelance Copywriter For Space Analytics Experts

It is so refreshing to work for a company that understands the value of valuable content. Who comprehend that you don’t need to constantly sell to people to get them to buy from you. All you need to do is give them useful information. They will naturally be curious about what you do, and look. If they’re interested, they will call, or email, or buy something. And all the while they will feel zero pressure, zero push, and have a very high opinion of your organisation.

Article Writing Service Freelance Copywriter For Space Analytics Experts, Density

“I consider Hazel a vital extension of our content team. She’s reliable, talented, and provides sound advice that levels up our content efforts. Working with Hazel not only simplifies my life, but it gives me the confidence that our content is in good hands.”

RC Victorino, Density

Articles I’ve Written For Density…

freelance article written for density return to offce plans of 5 global tech brands in response to the Delta variant

Return To Office Plans Of 5 Global Tech Brands In Response To The Delta Variant

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Copywriting • Content Marketing • Ghostwriting

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Need A Copywriter To Pen High-Value Articles To Engage Your Clients?

Looking for someone to work a little voodoo wordsmithery and black magic and craft informative, high-value articles to drive traffic and engage readers? Need someone to ensure you have regular content to get people interested in your business? I’m available to hire as a freelance copywriter for space analytics experts, recruitment agencies, and other companies helping businesses optimise their teams and space. Feel free to snoop at other projects I’ve completed, and once you’re convinced I know my shit (I do, but I get it, you need proof of that), get in touch and we’ll start working that hoodoo…

Talk To Me, Goose…